How to get Octane heirloom in Apex Legends

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What is an Heirloom in Apex Legends?

So, you’re an avid Apex Legends player or perhaps you’re just getting started. You’ve heard whispers of these extremely rare, beautifully crafted items called Heirlooms. So what are they, really? Well, as our research indicates, Heirlooms in Apex Legends are ultra-rare cosmetic items that bring a dash of individuality and flair to your favorite legends. These heirlooms come with unique melee weapons, voice lines, and banner poses that scream ‘exclusive’. Yet, not all legends in the game have an heirloom, only a chosen few do. And yes, that includes the adrenaline-fueled speed demon, Octane.

Does Octane have a Heirloom?

Why, indeed he does! Octane’s heirloom isn’t just an item, it’s a symbol of his reckless and fast-paced nature. The Octane heirloom butterfly knife, affectionately known in the community as the “Butterfly Knife” or “Stimcan”, adds a burst of Octane’s energy to every melee attack. Truly a fitting heirloom for the High-Speed Daredevil of Apex Legends.

When did Octane get his Heirloom?

Well, cast your mind back to March 2020. That’s when Octane’s Heirloom set made its flashy debut during the System Override Collection Event. From then on, it became one of the most sought-after Apex Legends Octane heirlooms in the game.

How much does the Octane Heirloom cost?

Now, this is where things get a bit tricky. Acquiring the coveted Octane heirloom is no easy task, nor is it light on your virtual wallet. Typically, it requires you to secure all 24 items in a Collection Event. These can be obtained either through Apex packs or direct purchase, amounting to around 16000 to 18000 Apex Coins (equivalent to $160-$180). However, you can also get lucky with Heirloom Shards, but they’re as rare as finding a four-leaf clover in a field of three-leaved ones.

Can I get the Octane heirloom for free?

Technically, yes, if you’re lucky enough to receive heirloom shards in your Apex Packs. However, remember, the drop rate is extremely low.

How to get Octane Heirloom?

Unlocking the Octane Heirloom can feel like an epic quest. But don’t worry, we’ve got the roadmap right here:

  1. Event Participation: Initially, the Octane Apex Heirloom was up for grabs during the System Override Collection Event. Any player who collected all 24 event-specific items was awarded the Octane Heirloom set as a bonus. Although the event has passed, new events with heirlooms for different legends keep popping up.
  2. Heirloom Shards: After the event, the Octane Apex Heirloom set can be obtained through Heirloom Shards, which you can score from opening Apex Packs. But be warned, these shards are elusive with less than 1% drop rate. In fact, it’s only after opening 500 packs that you’re guaranteed some shards.
  3. Direct Purchase: While you can’t find the Octane heirloom for sale directly, you can buy Apex Packs or event-specific items with real money, which can boost your chances of landing those elusive Heirloom Shards.

How can Boosting Services Help You Get the Octane Heirloom?

If you’re thinking that the path to the Apex Octane Heirloom seems more like a steep mountain climb, then Apex Boosting Services could be your trusty mountaineer guide. Here’s how they can assist:

  • Apex Legends Coaching: An experienced player guides you, sharing tactics and strategies to help you climb the ranks and expedite your progress.
  • Apex Legends Rank Boost: Boosting services can raise your rank, thus giving you access to greater rewards, faster.
  • Heirloom Acquisition: Some boosting services even offer Octane heirloom account for sale, which come already equipped with the heirloom.

Just remember, it’s important to choose a reputable service for your Apex boosting to ensure your experience is both safe and effective.


From our practical experience, obtaining the Octane heirloom skin is a journey that demands a significant investment of both time and resources. However, the joy of finally owning this unique piece and the bragging rights that come with it, can make it all worthwhile. Boosting services, while they do come at a cost, can provide a more efficient path towards your coveted heirloom.

Whether you’re grinding through the game naturally or considering boosting services, obtaining the Octane Heirloom is a thrilling experience. Wielding it in the arena is a true badge of honor for any Octane player. So get out there, give it your best shot, and remember to enjoy the rush of the game. Good luck, legends!

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